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The construction of a break time pavilion for a school in Pángala
enables 400 pupils of indigenous and Afro-Colombian origin to stay in a dry place protected from rain, where they can eat and exchange ideas.
Pángala is a place that can only be reached by a five-hour boat trip across a river. The indigenous community there maintains a primary school for children from the entire wider region around Pángala – mostly indigenous, but also of Afro-Colombian origin. The school did not have a place where the children could eat or even stay during the lesson-free time without having to stand or sit in the rain.
Project objective: The primary school of Pángala with almost 400 pupils built a pavilion which is available as a recreation room during the non-school hours. The indigenous community had a very precise plan, which was supported by all. Everyone in the village contributed their individual skills and helped to keep the cost for labour during construction as low as possible.
CASA HOGAR contributed only the materials that did not occur regionally, as well as occasionally specialists who helped with technical questions, such as the statics of the construction. In this way, the joint undertaking of the entire village of Pángala could be implemented in just two months, and the children now have a place where they can eat and communicate dry and protected.
Place: Pángala
Project partner: CASA HOGAR Istmina
Costs: 2.660 € (financed)
Project completion: October 2017[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]